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contoh kalimat around the table

"around the table" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Picture yourselves around the table in Brussels.
    Bayangkan diri anda berada di meja di Brussel.
  • "I arranged my guests around the table so that-"
    "Saya mengatur tamu mengitari meja sehingga-"
  • Bring me back the warmth of family, the quiet banter around the table.
    pembicaraan di meja makan.
  • Cover the walls and the... area around the table.
    Tutupi dinding dan... daerah sekitar meja.
  • Uh, suppose we go once around the table.
    Seandainya kita pergi sekali sekeliling meja.
  • We used to go around the table
    Kami biasanya secara bergilir di satu meja.
  • Morning. I was thinking, perhaps, we go around the table, introduce ourselves.
    Mungkin kita akan memperkenalkan diri dulu.
  • We're- we're just gonna go around the table, okay?
    Kita akan berunding, oke?
  • So come along, come along around the table.
    Silahkan duduk, silahkan mengitari meja.
  • It's there in every one of you seated around the table.
    Ada di sana setiap kalian duduk mengelilingi meja.
  • One, two, three, four, five... so on, around the table.
    Satu, dua, tiga, empat, lima, dan sebagainya di sekitar meja.
  • Gather your family and friends around the table
    Kumpulkan keluarga dan teman Anda di sekeliling meja
  • Fixed Placement, All Changes Point Around The Table
    Tetap penempatan, semua perubahan titik di sekeliling meja
  • Sitting Around The Table Giving A Few Acciden...
    Sitting Sekitar Itu Tabel Giving Sebuah Beber...
  • Sitting Around The Table Giving A Few acciden...
    Sitting sekitar itu tabel giving sebuah beber...
  • Depending upon who's sitting around the table.
    tergantung pada siapa yang terlibat dalam perbincangan itu.
  • Anybody around the table?
    Ada yang tahu ?
  • I mean, just three weeks ago, we were sitting around the table... eating ham.
    Maksudku, tiga minggu lalu, kita duduk mengitari meja.. ..makan ham.
  • If everyone could gather around the table at their assigned seats, then, um--
    Jika semuanya sudah berkumpul di meja di kursi masing-masing, kalau begitu, um
  • Sitting Around The Table Giving A Few accidental Flashes, Such Teases
    Sitting sekitar itu tabel giving sebuah beberapa accidental flashes, seperti itu...
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